Report illegal content

If you believe that content posted on is illegal, you can report it through the form below. Illegal content refers to information that violates national or EU law, such as promoting or facilitating the commission of a crime, infringing on personal rights, violating intellectual property rights, promoting or inciting acts of terrorism, or containing hate speech or vulgarity. You can find detailed information about illegal content in our Terms of Service.

Please ensure all required fields in the form are filled out accurately. Missing this information may hinder or even prevent the review of your report. Filling out optional fields is not mandatory.

Providing this information is not mandatory if you are reporting content related to one of the crimes mentioned in Articles 3-7 of Directive 2011/93/EU. These include crimes related to sexual exploitation, child pornography, soliciting children for sexual purposes, and incitement, aiding, or attempting to commit such offenses.

Providing this information is not mandatory if you are reporting content related to one of the crimes mentioned in Articles 3-7 of Directive 2011/93/EU. These include crimes related to sexual exploitation, child pornography, soliciting children for sexual purposes, and incitement, aiding, or attempting to commit such offenses.

A confirmation of receipt and the decision regarding your report will be sent to the provided email address.

Separate URLs with a space.

You may upload up to 5 files in the following formats: PDF, PNG, JPG, MP4, MOV. The total size of the files should not exceed 50MB.

*Required fields

The administrator of the personal data provided in the form is Fotka sp. z o.o. sp.k., based in Elbląg. The data will be processed to handle the submitted report, including taking specific actions as a result of receiving it. Before submitting your report, please review the full information on personal data processing, which can be found in the Privacy Policy.